10 ChatGPT Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind!

Maximize Efficiency and Streamline Workflows with Chat GPT's Advanced Features

How to use ChatGPT like a pro! ChatGPT can do so much now. Even more than when it first launched. Upon launching Chat, GPT could give you business ideas, but now? Now it can literally replace your CEO if you want. So imagine what ChatGPT could do next year. So if you want to save time and make your life easier, I’m going to give you 10 really cool hacks that are literally mind-blowing.

ChatGPT can do so much now, even more than when it first launched. Upon launching, ChatGPT could give you business ideas, but now it can literally replace your CEO if you want. So, imagine what ChatGPT can do next year. If you want to save time and make your life a little easier, I'm going to give you 10 really cool hacks that are literally mind-blowing. Are you guys ready? Let's go.

Tip number one: You get much better answers from Chat GPT if you set the stage. Give it a little bit of context, but having to say "I am a business owner; this is what my company does" every single time is kind of annoying and time-consuming. So, Chat GPT just came out with this new feature called custom instructions. Here's how I'm using it. It's a lifesaver.

So, you're going to head over to the custom instructions. See how there are two different boxes here? The first box is all about you. Take the opportunity to tell Chat GPT all about your business, your target audience, your product offering, and really any other information that Chat GPT needs to know. Now, the second box is setting the stage for how you want Chat GPT to act.

For example, you can ask for it to respond as a consultant, and you can even go as far as telling it how to structure its responses, like making different topics in bold. Click enable, and then hit save. So now, take a look at this. Instead of setting the stage, I can just go ahead and ask it a question, and it will give me a personalized response that fits my business. Here, it's giving me a checklist to make sure that my Shopify website is complete and perfect.

Prompt engineering, or, in other words, being able to structure your text strategically for generative AI, can be game-changing. Like we mentioned before, the better the prompt, the better the response. But this is a science that can actually get pretty complex, and not all of us have the time or even the desire to become skilled at it. So, there is actually a tool that will help you create A-level prompts. It's called AI for Work, and it's a Chat GPT prompt library for business.

There's even a section for entrepreneurship. But if you're facing other issues like sales, legal, and marketing conundrums, this website is going to have you covered with perfect prompts for your needs. So, let's head over to entrepreneurship. We're going to select our role. I'm going to choose CEO. And take a look at this; look at these categories. We can create an investor presentation, an annual report, and a partnership agreement. All these are super useful.

Now, I don't know about you, but I have never created an investor presentation. So, I'm interested in that. And let's click in on this because I want to learn a little bit more. Now, as you can see, it's going to ask us to create an account, and it looks like it's free to do so. Now that I've done that, I can see this prompt, and it is pretty in-depth. So, right about now, I'm pretty grateful for this tool. There's a button here that allows me to copy the prompt, and now I can drop it into Chat GPT just like this. And then, yeah, you'll just go through the motions on Chat GPT to get that perfect response that you're after.

OpenAI also offers a prompt engineering guide on their website that they update pretty frequently as things kind of change in the AI world. So, if you want to consult that page, just head over to platform.openai.com, click on documentation, and then on prompt engineering. Next tip.

Are you a productivity addict? Entrepreneurship culture can be like that sometimes. Long emails to read, long articles to understand, long contracts to read, and the list goes on. But with Chat GPT, you can summarize any text so that you're staying productive but in less time. So, to quickly summarize long articles or videos, you can either copy-paste the link into the chat or the text itself. If you want a video summarized, LinkedIn suggests that you also copy the title for best results. So, how do you do this? Look, simply type in TL semicolon drr and ask for a summary in two sentences. Now, I just summarized this 20-page agreement in a matter of seconds.

Okay, so I found this on Reddit and thought it was genius. This is going to be perfect for anyone who has to speak or write in a second language. So, you can use Chat GPT to help you navigate interactions with colloquial language, slang, uncommon definitions, meanings of local phrases, acronyms, conjugations, and all that stuff. Now, the reason this is such a powerful hack is because Google Translate sometimes doesn't pick up on these nuances. And instead of scouring the internet to find out, you know, what a phrase means, Chat GPT has the ability to understand context and can help you find meaning where other sources really can't. So, just for fun, drop a phrase in the comment section that English doesn't have a translation for. So, I'll go first. In Spanish, it means "watch out" or "keep an eye out." And it's a cultural expression, right? But if I were to put this in Google and just translate it, it would literally just say "I." But look, if I type this into Chat GPT, it gets this, and it gives me more context. See?

Okay, so this hack is backwards, but I love it. Now, the key is that you have to reverse your prompt. What do I mean? So, let's say you're making a presentation for work. Instead of asking Chat GPT to come up with a fact, you can have that fact or idea ready and get Chat GPT to come up with proof of it. This is a great way to add credibility to your work and support the points you want to get across. Plus, Chat GPT knows its stuff, but it's not perfect, and sometimes it is wrong. So, having the facts yourself first and leveraging Chat GPT for supportive evidence will help ensure that your information is accurate.

If you're anything like me, you have a million Chat GPT windows open, and keeping track of your conversation is a little anxiety-inducing. There is a solution. It is a Google Chrome extension called Cider. It is a Chat GPT sidebar that lets you pull up Chat GPT on any tab without having to toggle between tabs. It makes multitasking really, really easy. But on top of that, it not only gives you Chat GPT, but it also supports all the big names like Google, Gemini, and Claw Instant, because the more choices you have, the more insights you have. So, how does it work? You can pull it up just like this and treat it just as you would Chat GPT. You can even chat with images using Cider Vision. Look at this. Within a couple of clicks of a button, you can find out how to cook this delicious-looking recipe just from a screenshot.

You know that feeling when you have to be in a meeting but you also have other things to do, like maybe take care of your sick kid, for example? You're probably on the meeting, but your camera's off; you're kind of listening in, but maybe not really; and then by the time the meeting is over, you're like, "What just happened?" Okay, so check this out. If you use Microsoft Teams, try recording and transcribing the meeting. Then, you would take the transcription and paste it into Chat GPT. You're going to do two things: first, ask for minutes, and then second, ask for action items. Now, you can be in two places at once. I said taking care of your kids, but I know most of you will be relaxing on the beach or something. Let's be real. Now, every company's going to be different in terms of policy as far as recording meetings, so just make sure that you're not breaking any rules or anything like that.

If you're finding this video helpful so far, please consider giving it a like. It's a small thing that you can do that makes a big difference for me. The YouTube algorithm seems to like that kind of stuff. Now, while we're on this topic, don't forget to give this channel a nice subscribe, because we have videos just like this every week that will help you as a professional and as an entrepreneur.

If there's one thing that I've learned in my adult life, it's that clear communication will get you far. Being clear conveys confidence, demands respect and trust, and overall, you'll come across as a more relatable person. This is especially important as a professional. However, situations can get complex; you know, emotions can get involved, and it's not always so easy to distill your jumbled thoughts into clear sentences. So lately, I've been using Chat GPT to take my thought dumps and distill them to be more eloquent and more to the point. All you have to do is ask Chat GPT to make it more concise and clear in a prompt like this. This three-paragraph idea about how we can improve our online sales strategy just became a one-sentence message. It has one clear idea and bullet points for action items. All right, next tip.

Okay, let's face it. Posting three TikToks a day, one Instagram, one LinkedIn post, and a YouTube video a week, which, by the way, guys, is the golden standard. I am not even kidding you right now. It's just unrealistic. But luckily, this year was the year of content repurposing. We're finally starting to get smarter about how we reuse content, so we're lessening our marketing workload. People are taking long videos and turning them into shorts. Blogs have become tweets. I'm not active on Twitter; can we still call them tweets? I don't know, X's; let me know in the comment section. And you know what else people are doing? They're getting Chat GPT to help them repurpose their content. So, describe your existing content to Chat GPT and ask for ideas on how to repurpose that content for different platforms or formats. Chat GPT can help you maximize the value of your content across various channels. Make Chat GPT your editor. Try writing a sloppy paragraph with all the necessary information. Do not worry about this being perfect. That's Chat GPT's job. Then get it to fix the grammar, the spelling, and the delivery of whatever it is that you wrote, and boom, you've just saved yourself a good 10–20 minutes, I would say. You should still read it over, but this will definitely save your brain's energy.

Sometimes I literally cannot believe we live in a time where LinkedIn exists. Honestly, it baffles me that we have the power to reach almost any professional in the world at any time. And if you're taking advantage of your LinkedIn in-mail credits, you'll want to craft the perfect icebreaker to stand out in an inbox. And Chat GPT is super helpful as a virtual networking assistant. You're going to start by inputting details about your industry goals and networking preferences. Chat GPT can generate personalized introductions, icebreakers, and follow-up messages for when you're reaching out to your mentors, collaborators, and clients.

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