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5 Game-Changing Digital Marketing Strategies in 2024: Futureproof Now!

Unleashing the Power of Interactive Experiences, VR, Automation, Voice Search, and User-Generated Content

How to Revolutionize Your Digital Marketing Strategies

Innovation is the name of the game in digital marketing. And in this video, I'm going to talk to you about my favorite latest digital marketing strategies that you need to know, as we're looking to leverage some of these interesting opportunities to speak to our target audiences as new technology is also emerging at a really fast pace, which I'm very excited about. But at the same time, we also need to stay ahead of the curve.

Hi, I'm Laurie. On this channel, I help businesses and marketers figure out how to get people to click, sign up, and buy. If you're new here, or maybe have seen my face a few times on YouTube by now, don't forget to hit the subscribe button notification bell so you can be notified every time I release a new video like this to help you stay ahead and also do what you do best.

All right. Let's dive into my favorite five digital marketing strategies right now. Number one is how you can captivate your audiences. Getting more insights from them by using an interactive digital experience. And let me explain what digital experience I'm talking about here. So interactive digital experiences are essentially things like quizzes, interactive infographics, or interactive videos that really allow your audience to have a two-way experience with you as a brand.

And also, they get lots of instant feedback on that. So for example, traditionally, you will have a lead coming into a website, submit the lead inquiry form, and they leave that up and go. All right, and now they wait for you to get back to them. So imagine the other scenario, where they come to your website. Maybe they saw a pop-up that essentially asked them to take a quiz that they could be very interested in because they got some valuable feedback and insights from that quiz.

And when they get to the results page, they now have essentially a list of insane values they can take away from them—how they can, let's say, take a new direction in their fitness or their health. It could be in that area, or it could be in their business growth or marketing, whatever it might be in the back of the quiz. But at the same time, as a brand or as an individual offering a quiz, you now have a very rich, data-rich profile of that individual person.

And you can now use this as a way to help serve them better content. So the better resources are relevant to what they're looking for. So we're looking at a very personalized individual approach now versus, let's say, in mass, which we used to see in the marketing world. I think this is actually where the interesting is because by moving in this direction and having a two-way interactive experience with your audiences going forward, leveraging apps like these, it really allows you to speak so much more in-depth with your audience.

This cream, like no interest factor, even earlier and even faster, could also lead to more business growth, more business sales, and profitability over time as well. So recently, I went to a skincare company's website, and I saw this done really, really well in practice. And essentially, I was given a list of quiz questions to go through. I have different questions about my skin, my concerns, etc. And then, at the end, there's also a camera with which I can take a photo of my skin.

Then that's skin through my whole entire analysis to let me know which area of my skin I should be looking to treat. And also, the products they recommend very smartly are from their own company’s range. So not only now do they have a very detailed and rich profile of me as a potential customer, but they also now have the chance to recommend to me products that are relevant to what I'm looking for.

So I think it's a win-win on both sides, as the consumer and also as a brand at the same time. If you're like me, juggling multiple marketing campaigns at the same time, you're always looking for ways to get more productive and get more things done. And I believe the success behind any marketing campaign is having a system in place that makes it easier for teams to come together.

And I'm sorry to tell you that the productivity and project management tools allow you to manage all your tasks, projects, and communications in one place. One thing I love is that you can display the product in the calendar view, which is super useful when visualizing deliverables of content and campaigns. You can also save time by using existing template decrees.

Similar projects integrate your Gmail; they all look inboxes to send and receive messages within the hive, attach email threads to specific tasks, and allow others to approve and leave feedback for digital assets on campaigns all within the app. You can give Hive a try for yourself for 14 days for free by clicking on the link in the description below. And thanks so much to High for sponsoring this video strategy number two.

And we cannot run away from this, which is basically the incoming of VR technology and how we can immerse your audiences in more of this going forward. So VR stands for virtual reality, and virtual reality allows your audiences to be in a simulated but also realistic world around your brand.

As of now, our audiences are spreading more and more around the globe. The opportunity to offer your audiences the opportunity to experience or file your products while they're in a simulated or realistic environment using the technology is so important, and a lot of brands are really jumping onto this already.

So, for example, the IKEA Air app allows you, as a customer, to trial furniture in your own home environment to see how it looks, or the Sephora Virtual Artist app allows you to make up instantly to see how it looks on your own skin tone. All this is really providing a very personalized shopping experience as a brand to let your customers experience and also feel as if they're physically present in the store.

And of course, Apple's Vision Pro, which is going to be released very soon, is looking to really bring the VR experience to the masses. And I really believe that this brings up a whole world of opportunities for brands to jump into. So, for example, imagine offering virtual tours of your stores, virtual events, or virtual try-ons of your products.

All of these things are now possible with this emerging technology. How do you make it personalized? See your audiences as well. And strategy number three is an area that I really can't get away from, which is that everything that I've been to this year in terms of conferences and talks has featured this, and that is automation. Also today, message around that for your audiences.

So, for example, nowadays, on a new website, you can install a chat bot that's really using AI automation to give your customers the best responses based on what they're asking for. I personally think that technology has some way to go because there's been times when, for example, up in China, Out frustrates me in some of the ways that I can't really answer my questions in the most accurate way.

And of course, the more you train the AI on this going forward and this technology development further, I can imagine this being very accurate and giving your customers or potential inquiries

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