YOU Should Buy the M1 MacBook Air in 2024, And Here's Why!

The Enduring Excellence of the M1 MacBook Air: Why It Remains the Best Choice in 2024

1. Introduction and Sponsor Mention:

I still think the M1 MacBook Air is the best all-around laptop on the market today. Even four years after its release and two MacBook Air updates and revisions in the book, you should still buy one in 2024. If you were looking for the latest, cheapest, and most useful laptop around, and that's the Crux, there are absolutely more powerful laptops out there. There are absolutely cheaper laptops out there, but you give something up. Going to either of those extremes, you either give up your own money, which is the worst-case scenario, or you give up features you might want or need. But before we get too far into that, I'd like to thank today's sponsor.

2. Tech Buyer Camps:

I think there are three camps of tech buyers: somebody that wants the latest and greatest, somebody that specifically looks for the features needed and darn the price and somebody that wants to buy the cheapest yet functional option that will last the longest and I do think the M1 MacBook Air meets the needs for two of those groups, like, legitimately, two of those groups. I'll guess in the comments which two of those are. A few months ago, I wanted to test the hypothesis that this computer is all of the stuff that I said in the front and I swapped away my MacBook Pro. Can you even see it over there? You can see the corner of my M3 Max MacBook Pro 16 I swapped it out for this cheapest MacBook Air I wanted to see how the M1 air held up or if it was all just Nostalgia around my last four years on YouTube convincing me of how good this was and darn it, it held up. And just this week, like today, like 3 hours ago, I came back from a family spring break vacation where I again only brought the M1 MacBook Air, and on that trip, this just continued its dominance as just an excellent all-around computer I've made this video so many times in the past that it shouldn't come as any surprise about my opinions on this computer It's fantastic and it might legitimately be the best laptop ever made.

3. Reasons to Buy in 2024: Price:

Getting to that first reason the first reason to buy this in 2024 is the price surprisingly enough, the best place to buy this brand new product today is not from Apple it's not from Best Buy; it's not from Amazon it's from Walmart You can get the 8-core CPU, 7-core GPU, 256 GB of storage and 8 GB of unified memory model, which is the one that I have for a staggering $699 That's less than most high-end cell phones these days. Seriously, that's like 40% cheaper than the iPhone pro and pro Max.

4. Power and Competitive Pricing:

I just think that for those two camps, you could easily say, Hey, this is the cheapest MacBook that also has very respectable power to it uh yes please or you could say this runs my programs exactly the way I want, and for the budget that I want, boom, there you go, two camps they're happy here, it's still highly competitive for the price and the size of this computer. Reminder: I've got the base model with 8 GB of unified memory, and I've only ever had performance problems when I go out of my way to cause them.

5. Build Quality and Design:

But sticking with the physical nature of the computer, you also get top-firing speakers on the M1 MacBook Air, which you do not get on the new design with the M2 and M3 MacBook airs look at that top-firing speakers It's probably another personal preference thing but I really just like top-firing speakers I like when the sound is directed towards me and not against the table or front-facing. Oh, these speakers It could just be my bias towards the MacBook Pro speakers because those are so good Maybe these are better by association I don't know, I'm not an audio person.

6. Battery Life and Conclusion:

And let's not forget about battery life holy crap the battery life on the M1 MacBook Air is what started it all for me in the first place that's not class leading inside of Apple system but that's still fantastic in general Tech usage seriously other companies still can't match this unless they give their computers batteries either larger than or the exact size of this computer plus and I go out of my way I think to say this in every M1 MacBook Air video you get that battery life and that power at the same time it's not like a Windows computer thing where you only get the full power when you're plugged into the wall or you have an equivalently sized computer that doesn't have the battery life to make it through a single morning's worth of teams meetings you can travel with this computer anywhere and know that it's going to make it through whatever you are going to do seriously 4 years later and this is so good I find it hard and sometimes impossible as we see today to recommend newer computers instead of this because they set the initial bar so high you can get one of the most usefully powerful computers around for so much less money than anything else.