How This Food Truck Makes $10k/Month

Discover the Inspiring Story of a Family Who Quit Their Jobs to Pursue Entrepreneurship and Thrive in the Food Truck Industry

Learn the Secrets Behind a Six-Figure Food Truck Business

I've interviewed a ton of entrepreneurs all around the world, but one of my favorite stories is actually about my own family. They quit their nine-to-five jobs a couple of years ago to start a food truck business that is now making them over six figures a year. Today, I'm back in my hometown to tell the story of how they did it. Oh, and at the end, I have a huge surprise that's going to change their entire business.

This is where I grew up. We've come a long way, boys.

Hi, Jordan.

It's good to see you. Yes, thank you. You're welcome. Everybody, this is my mom. Maybe you saw her in our video together, where we bought Big E, or in the video where we gave away a bunch of presents to the people. But today, what are we going to be doing?

Today, we are feeding 300 people.

What is your business that you're feeding people with?

Dave's Spaniel Barbecue. We dish out the best banging barbecue in town. We have brisket, we have pulled pork, and we have smoked turkey breast—award-winning.

Wow! We've got a big day planned today, and there are a lot of things we have to do. So, let's go with you, and let's do it. Let's do this!

Alright, let's go. Tell them what that cold start is like. But yeah, up here is where it all began. I called this our hotspot. This was before we had our big trailer that's in front of us. We had a little smoker, and people used to come here. Right there, guys, that was the hotspot right there. Look at that. That was a hotspot, and we made some money there. We made some money at the hotspot. That made us Dave's Spaniel Barbecue right there.

But instead, we're on our way to feed 300. What kind of risk did you have to take to actually start this business?

This business? Oh boy, my whole life. I started working when I was 14. I'm 53. For me and for him to be like, "We're going to work for ourselves," it was scary, and it was a risk. We're going into something where, okay, yeah, we've been making decent money; we're paying our bills, but what if, for example, one year it rained a lot and then we had that bad hurricane? Not gonna lie, we weren't paying our mortgage, you know? It got to that point. But God always prevails. When we started getting these big parties, you know, and all of a sudden the money started going back into the bank, we were able to pay our mortgage again, you know? It all just came back. So, the risk was worth it. The risk was worth it.

So now we're going to pull in. David's going to open up the trailer, and we're going to get these tables set up. We're going to feed hundreds.

And how much do they pay you for this party?

Today's payment was $7,900. Hey, you really came a long way. Let's go make some people happy with this food. Do it!

Can you please give me a job of some sort?

Yeah, there you go.

Oh boy, this is my first day on the job, actually. Not—I've worked with them on many parties and many events. I kind of like it.

I do this. He shared how much you made from this event today, but how much did this business bring in for you last year?

Last year? Yeah, between $400k and.

It's amazing! How much of that would you say is coming from events versus the roadside that you guys do every weekend?

Our events are quick, big money. You know, for a wedding of 150, that's a good $2,600 in two hours. We're done. Roadside days can run anywhere from the smallest $300 (we've had $300 days) to the largest $1,200, and that's only from 11 to 3. Just in a couple of hours, yeah, we can do a $1,200 day like easy.

And how are you guys actually securing these events?

They try the food, and my husband—he likes to fish. So, it's like we got him just like that. And then they reach out for their weddings, birthdays, and business events.

Well, I know you have a lot more work to do, so I'll let you finish setting up the event. All right.

So, we're here with the man himself, Pitmaster Dave. What's the process like to make some food like this?

Well, it takes approximately 12 to 14 hours. Like last night, you had to wake up every hour and a half.

So, it's some real dedication; you've been doing this for years now.

Yeah, seven years.

Five years of self-employment.

Yeah, that's what it takes, man. A lot of people don't have that dedication to really do it, but you show up every single weekend, sitting out in the hot sun. Now

We have shades.

Yeah, you definitely got some upgrades over the years.

That's what they go crazy for, right there.

Meanwhile, my surprise was going well as well. I mean, what time do you need it by?

within the next couple of hours.

Okay, that's fine. I can do that. I love you. Thank you very much.

I can't say too much right now, but you got a surprise.

All right, guys, so it's the countdown. I believe the people are starting to come in.

Yeah, it's crazy. It's a lot more people than I thought it was going to be.

Yeah, no problem. A lot more people showed up than what was counted for, but you know what? It's okay. We always cook for more. This is crazy. Would you like a bun?

Hey, we did it. We did it!

I have even more respect now. I've already been doing these with you before, but this is not easy at all. My legs hurt.

I know, right? My feet are throbbing right now. I was standing for literally nine or ten hours doing the macaroni and cheese last night, and now you're up for four or five hours already today. But everybody's happy, so mission accomplished at the party today. Good job!

Now we can go back home and relax a little bit.

Yeah, I'm going to put my feet up. Oh yeah, let's do it. Let's get out of here.

Let's go to finish the day and celebrate their success. I had a crazy surprise planned back at home a couple of months ago. My mom and David came to me with the idea of launching their own seasoning, and honestly, I thought it was genius. They make pretty good money doing what they do, but if they had a product that they could sell online, I think it could scale their business much faster. So, I got my team to design them a Shopify store, and I'm headed to the bank right now to give them some money so they can run some ads and launch this business officially. My mom has no idea about this, and I'm very excited.

I would like to withdraw some cash today.

Ten thousand.

That will be all for me.

Okay, you too, Mama. I love you.

God is good. Don't forget that. Keep God in your life.

Happy birthday, kid.

Alright, so I want to show you guys something. We worked really hard today, and I know you guys have been working hard in the seasoning business, but we kind of stopped doing that, right? So, I had my team at Viral Vault go ahead and recreate the entire website.

Yeah, and make it all nice, clean, and up-to-date. So, have a look at it and check it out.

So, we updated it to have more of a cleaner look. I like it. A little more modern, cool-looking website. Same with the food.

Nice, buddy.

But the last thing was that—

After the party today, you guys got no tip.

You did such a good job that I got you a tip.

Stop it, buddy.

You know it's a ten.

It's just a fair tip for the work that he did.

That was my tip.

It was a tip. Open it. It's for both of you. It's really for the business.

Put it in a business account. Use it for whatever you want. But as a tip,.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Yeah, you guys deserve it. You can use it for ads; you could use it for more stuff for the barbecue business, whatever you want.

Hey, I'm off this weekend.

Hey, look. With that being said, check out David made one of the best seasonings I've ever had in my entire life. The link to that is going to be down below. I appreciate you guys so much for watching the videos every single week. And, Mom, any last words?

If you're not following him and his journey, you're just doing it the wrong way.

How much is it?

What's Mama's got? This is more than a band, right?

Yeah, it's 10 G's. 10.

Also, happy birthday to my little brother.

And I'm broke. See you guys next week! I gave my mom $10,000.

I gave my mom $10,000.

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