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  • How GetResponse Revolutionizes Email Marketing for Small Businesses

How GetResponse Revolutionizes Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Maximizing Engagement and Revenue with Integrated Digital Marketing

Hey guys, welcome back to the channel. So, the basic driving force behind any company's success is twofold: a good product or service and their marketing strategy. If you want to make it, you're going to need to grab and stay in a customer's attention as much and as often as possible. The idea is to build awareness about your business, especially if you're just starting out. One way to grab people's attention is through email marketing. You can reach out to new customers or build relationships with your existing ones. Anyone running a digital business these days would really be missing out on a ton of potential revenue if they didn't use some form of automated response software to interact with customers.

So, that brings me to today's video, where I'm going to be talking about GetResponse, which is an email marketing platform that helps you do exactly what I mentioned before. It helps you reach out to customers, visitors, and basically anyone who subscribes. We'll get into their features, who they're suitable for, their plans, pricing, and some issues that I found while using them.

I've used them for a while now, and I've got a pretty good grasp on how they work. While they do have some advanced features, they don't offer a great free plan like some others, but they do give you the option to start building a customizable website for free. By the way, if you'd like to try out GetResponse with a little bit of a discount, be sure to check out the link that I left down in the description because it'll automatically apply a discount that you won't be able to get if you went straight to their website.

First, let me tell you a little bit about GetResponse. They've been around since 1997 and originally started out with just email marketing, but eventually branched out to a CRM or customer relationship management tool as well as a social media feature that lets you manage all your social media posts from one place. There are a lot of benefits to being able to manage your digital marketing efforts from one place; namely, it can save you a lot of time and money, but it also makes the whole process a lot easier to understand if you're not a marketing guru.

Now, let's take a look at what they have on offer and what you'll need to pay based on what you need. They do have a limited free trial that can be used to test them out, and I'd recommend starting with it if you don't have any experience with email marketing before. But based on my experience, you'll probably end up wanting to consider signing up for one of their paid plans because it just opens up so many more options and massively increases the usability. But if you start with the free trial, it does offer you a fully customizable website with one landing page, which is essentially a landing page that you can use to direct customers to before they go to a store's page. It helps you with things like getting information, email addresses, or upselling some other things.

As with anything free, there's always a downside. Number one is that the website that they let you build is capped at 5 gigs of bandwidth, meaning if you use five gigs from the traffic visiting your site, you'll have to upgrade to a paid plan to keep it running. And to be clear, this is not 5 gigs a month; it's 5 gigs total. But the free plan also includes the ability to send out 2500 emails a month and build a list of up to 500 subscribers, which isn't huge but should be enough to get you started. They also have three paid plans: the email marketing plan at roughly 20 bucks a month, the marketing automation plan at around 60 bucks a month, and the e-commerce marketing plan at just under 120 bucks a month. Basically, all of these plans offer you unlimited emails and marketing automation. With the e-commerce marketing plans, you get their more advanced features like automation segmentation to sort your contacts into different categories like converted leads or paying customers, people who visited your site, and basically the ability to apply different marketing strategies to different subscribers based on their previous engagement with your company.

For example, if your subscribers are new, you could send them a line of emails that offer them discounts for new clients, or if they're regulars, you can send them emails that offer special discounts or deals for regular customers, and so on and so forth. They also offer an abandoned cart notification to help remind customers via email of any products that they at one point put in their cart on your website. All the plans also offer a live chat feature, which can help your customers reach out to you when using your site. The marketing automation and e-commerce marketing plans also offer webinars for 100 people and up to 300 people on the e-commerce plan.

I almost forgot to mention that each plan has access to the social media tool, which basically acts like HootSuite, a social media planner that lets you schedule your posts just like Facebook and Instagram, all from just their platform, which personally saved me a lot of time and hassle having to log onto each one of their sites and post.

If you're interested in trying them out with a bit of a discount, feel free to check out the link that I left in the description down below because you'll save a lot more money than if you just went straight to their website.

Now, while I did like how well-equipped GetResponse was in terms of all its features, there are a few downsides I should discuss to keep things 100% legit. So, there's really not much of a difference, in my opinion, between the marketing automation and the e-commerce plans unless you're really dead set on using webinars for 300 people. I recommend sticking to the marketing automation plan, as it can save you a lot of money and does practically the same thing.

Next, and this one, to me, is quite a big one, and it's that they do charge you a separate fee on top of your monthly plan to have a contact list of anything from a thousand people and above. Basically, if you have a contact list of a thousand subscribers, you'll have to pay around 19 bucks a month. And the most you can grow your list to is a hundred thousand subscribers, which is a lot of people, and it'll take you years and years of work, especially if you're just starting with email marketing. But if you do, it's going to cost you roughly 700 bucks a month on top of your plan, which to me really means that you should only focus on using GetResponse if you run a smaller business and want to focus on the quality of the platform and high-quality engagement with fewer subscribers rather than a large number of lower-engaging subscribers.

Basically, the idea is quality over quantity when it comes to nurturing your leads or staying in touch with your customers. If you want to go with GetResponse, and in my honest opinion, I was actually really impressed with GetResponse,. It's a solid choice that helped centralize my digital marketing efforts and makes it a lot easier to manage. And despite the fact that they limit you to a relatively small contact list unless you want to pay extra, I found that if I planned what businesses I was going to use it for, that I'd have a lot more success with it because choosing the right people to stay in contact with meant I

got more engagement from them, which ultimately meant more sales. It also does a great job of handling email marketing, especially automation. And I like that once I had my automation set up, it took care of itself with the exception of tweaking my responses or written emails here or there to ensure that they didn't get stale and lined up with my marketing strategies.

I'd personally recommend checking them out if you run a niche business and don't want to grow too fast. Let's say you're worried about whether or not you can handle all the extra volume without sacrificing the quality of your product or service, which is a very real issue that sinks a lot of businesses. But if you're looking for something more in line with traditional mass email marketing tools and to run a business that requires less input from your side when dealing with customers, like a retail store where conventional email marketing tends to work best, then I'd look into a tool like Constant Contact or Braze, which I have reviews of as well. So, check out my channel.

The reason is that they're more suitable for growing larger contact lists, and they don't charge you anything extra for it. Most importantly, would I recommend GetResponse? I certainly would. Even though they do charge you for growing your contact list, they do give you that free website and a whole bunch of features that'll really improve the quality of your email campaigns and marketing in general, especially if you run a small business and know that word of mouth will do the most work for you. It's definitely a tool that's focused on quality over quantity. And while some business models would benefit from more quantity, like retail stores, others, like ad agencies or service-based companies, simply fare much better with smaller contact bases that nurture dedicated repeat customers.

Personally, I love that I could integrate so much of my digital marketing into one place and would definitely recommend it for any startup looking to save costs on their digital marketing, as you can basically do a whole department's job with just this one tool. So, that about wraps up my review of GetResponse, and I hope it's been helpful for you. If you're new to email marketing, then I highly suggest that you get started on it as soon as possible, as the number of leads and customers you could lose without having some form of it integrated into your daily operations might surprise you. And if you're interested in checking out GetResponse with a bit of a discount like I mentioned, go ahead and check out the link that I left down in the description below the video, as you won't find that deal if you go directly to their website.

I try to cover as much as I can in these videos, but if there's anything you feel like I left out or something you'd like answered, feel free to drop a comment, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Otherwise, guys, thanks so much for watching. Be sure to like and subscribe for more helpful and honest reviews in the future. Bye for now, and I'll see you in the next video.

Are you ready to supercharge your email marketing efforts and take your business to new heights? While GetResponse offers an incredible suite of tools to enhance your digital marketing strategy, why not take it a step further? Introducing GetResponse, the ultimate companion to turbocharge your email campaigns. With its innovative features and user-friendly interface, GetResponse seamlessly integrates with GetResponse, providing you with unparalleled insights and capabilities. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your marketing game. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and skyrocket your conversions today. Click here to explore how you can transform your business: https://www.getresponse.com?a=A9NmvFydkr

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