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Gmail Tips: 8 Gmail Productivity Tips Every User Should Know

Maximizing Gmail Efficiency: 8 Essential Productivity Tips Unveiled

1. Introduction and Tip #1: Editing the Subject Line Before Forwarding:

Did you know you can change the subject line of an email in Gmail before forwarding it? You can even change your response type if you accidentally hit reply, but you meant to forward that email in Gmail.

2. Tip #2: Changing Types of Response:

Let’s kick it off by editing the subject line of an email before forwarding it. Rather than simply hitting that forward button and having the email subject say re: re: re: whatever, click on the type of response downward-facing arrow in the left of the To field and click to edit the subject. Here, you can replace the subject line of the email with something that makes sense, like a one-line summary of the email contents. In the same vein, and you may have caught it in our last tip, you can change the type of reply as well.

3. Tip #3: Drag and Drop in Gmail:

So let’s say you accidentally hit the reply button, but you really meant to forward that email instead. Once again, click on the type of response arrow and choose the type of response you meant. You can choose to reply, reply all, or forward. A time-saver indeed.

4. Tip #4: Add or Remove Category Tabs:

My third Gmail tip for productivity is to drag and drop in Gmail. I use this all the time. So you know how Gmail gives you category tabs? We’ve got primary, promotion, and social. Sometimes things get miscategorized, and something might end up in the Promotions tab, but really, it should be in the Primary tab. Without even opening the email, you can simply drag and drop it right into the primary tab.

5. Tip #5 - Enable Confidential Mode:

And speaking of our category tabs, Gmail productivity tip number 4 is to add or remove those category tabs if they are cramping your style. For this, we are going to head into our settings and click on see all settings. Here, we’re going to click on ‘inbox’. Right here under categories, you can toggle off promotions and social if you don’t want those other categories.

6. Tip #6 - Change Gmail Layout and Page Size:

Gmail productivity tip number 5 is to enable confidential mode and set an email expiry date. Yes, please. If you’re sending something that is confidential and you don’t want recipients to forward, copy, print, or download the email, simply click the lock icon near the bottom of your compose window to toggle on confidential mode.

7. Tip #7: Change Gmail Label Icons to Text:

Another little-known Gmail tip is to change your Gmail layout and maximize the page size while you’re at it.

8. Tip #8: Snooze Emails:

Gmail feature number 7: Did you know you can change your Gmail label icons to be text instead? Well, you can! Here’s what I mean. So by default, you may have these icons at the top when you’re in an email.

9. Conclusion:

And my last Gmail tip is to snooze emails until it’s convenient for you. This is way easier and less time-consuming than creating follow-up labels. So those are some great Gmail productivity tips every user should know. Do you have any great tips? Share them in the comments below. Remember, you can check out my other Gmail videos by clicking here or here. And you can subscribe to my channel right here. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

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