Plum Cake — an autumn delight

Culinary delights

Plums are in season, and we’re enjoying them today in a recipe that’s mi-nu-a-ta, quick to make, and very delicious—plum cake! It’s a light, fluffy cake that keeps well for several days, making it great for school or work lunches.

There aren’t many ingredients needed for this plum cake recipe, and if you don’t like plums, you can substitute apples, pears, or walnuts. How do you go about it? Grate these fruits and sauté them in a frying pan with no oil, sugar, or cinnamon. The cake will be great with the grated apples in the center! Fresh berries, sour cherries, or other fruits from the compote can also be used. The options for modifying this recipe are limitless; I hope you find the ideal variant.

I used 000 flour as usual. It is flour that I never have enough of in my house; it is of excellent quality and can be used for anything, from cakes to cookies.

I used Baneasa 1000 flour as usual. It is flour that I never leave home without; it is of excellent quality.

I make a lot of fruitcakes in the summer and autumn, depending on how they look at the market. This light plum cake has an airy batter (no baking powder) and a generous layer of fruit. Many people call it “plum pandişpan,” even though the traditional pandişpan recipe contains no fat. As you can see, plums give the cake a lovely color and a delicious flavor. One of my favorite fruits is plums, and I use them in baked goods such as cakes, pies, and tarts.

I cannot express how soft and delicious this plum cake is! It’s not overly sweet or dry. The butter melts in your mouth, and the tangy and fragrant plum layer is heavenly! I believe you should bite into a slice.

Using peach or nectarine slices, cherries, strawberries, rhubarb, blueberries, pears, apples, quinces, or ripe berries is OK.

The ingredients listed below make a 20 x 30 cm plum cake, but you may also use a slightly larger pan or a round cake tin. The cake will not be as tall if the pan is somewhat larger.

Ingredients for plum cake with fluffy dough

weighed plums about 700 g

150g sugar

vanilla sugar

a pinch of salt

5 eggs

50 50ml oil

200 g sifted flour

- cinnamon

Plum cake preparation steps

Preheat the oven to 200°F. Cover the tray with butter and flour.

Wash the plums very well, remove the stones, and chop them into pieces; approximately 700 grams of fruit should result. This amount is handy if you wish to substitute other fruits for the plums.

I got the eggs, flour, sugar, and oil ready. I ordered country eggs with orange yolks, which were delicious and colorful.

My eggs were chilly, fresh from the fridge.

I divided the eggs. I used a mixer to combine the egg whites and salt powder. I gently added the sugar when it solidified and continued beating until it melted.

You must combine the egg yolks, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and oil in a separate bowl.

Over the beaten egg whites, layer the other ingredients one at a time. I dusted the flour immediately over the above ingredients and continued to homogenize them.

I pressed the light dough into the pan.

Place the halved eggplants, skin side down, on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

I set the oven’s temperature to 200 °C and placed the plum cake pan inside. I immediately reduced the temperature to 175 degrees Celsius. I guarantee that the plum cake will turn out flawlessly! 35–40 minutes in the oven or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes clean.

It’s precisely what I expected: a fluffy cake with many plums.

We can brush the plum cake with honey, agave syrup, vanilla powdered sugar, and a little cinnamon before serving. It’ll be just as fluffy!

Don’t be terrified of these light fruitcakes, since you won’t go wrong if you follow our recipe! The cake can be made with peaches or nectarines, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, mixed berries, and so on.

Plums are fruits with a high vitamin and mineral content that provide numerous health benefits. Plums are recommended for people suffering from liver and gallbladder problems and for controlling bowel motions when eaten fresh or in various nutritious recipes. Learn why eating as many plums as possible is suggested. What are the advantages of plums?

Plums are already in stores and are one of the most popular autumn fruits. Plums are delicious raw, for breakfast or as a snack between meals, as well as in compotes, pastries, and jams. But did you know that plums provide health benefits?

Both fresh and preserved in various ways, plums are widely valued for their taste and flavor. Plums are high in critical nutrients and low in calories. Furthermore, plums do not elevate blood glucose levels, making them a great snack, especially if you’re on a diet.

Here are the top reasons to consume fresh plums as frequently as possible:

1. One or two plums (approximately 70 grams) supply 8% of your daily vitamin C, 5% of your daily vitamin K, 4% of your copper RDA, 4% of your fiber, and 3% of your potassium.

2. A typical plum contains more than 100 milligrams of potassium.

3. Among the benefits of plums are the anthocyanins (natural antioxidants) that give them their red-violet color. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and protect against diseases like cancer.

4. Prunes are high in fiber, which promotes good digestion. Combine a sliced plum with Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of oatmeal for a snack that effectively combats constipation and is, therefore, beneficial to the digestive system.

5. Prunes can benefit those with diabetes and those at risk of developing diabetes since they help normalize blood glucose levels. Plums’ active ingredients can slow the absorption of glucose after a meal. Furthermore, soluble fibers have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.

6. Fresh plums, as well as prunes, can help with bone health. According to a study of postmenopausal women, those who ate plums regularly had increased bone density.

7. Other benefits of plums have been reported in people who eat 3–4 plums daily, including better memory due to reduced free radicals that damage memory.

How do you choose, store, and eat plums?

After learning about the benefits of plums, here’s how to choose and store them:. A well-ripened plum has a hard texture yet feels somewhat mushy when the tip of your finger is pressed against it. When purchasing plums, consider firmer varieties that will ripen in a few days. If you want to create jam, never buy exceptionally soft plums because they will deteriorate soon.

Plums can be kept in the refrigerator to prevent ripening or at room temperature in the fruit bowl to allow them to ripen more.

Ideally, consume the plum when it is fully ripe, as it has the highest concentration of antioxidants. Wash plums well with cold water before eating. Because the peel provides fiber and antioxidants, it is recommended that these fruits be eaten with the skin on. Plums can be consumed as a snack, as previously stated, but also as a compote, jam, or in various delicious dishes and sweets.

If you want to use plums in dessert recipes but don’t want to remove the peel, here’s a simple tip that will help: Blanch the plums for up to 30 seconds in boiling water, then rinse them under cold running water. Once you’ve put the fruit through this process, removing the peel will be a breeze.

Plum nutritional information

Plums are high in fiber and vitamins, in addition to being low in calories. These include a high concentration of vitamins A and E, folic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, and B complex (B1, B1, B3, B6).

100 grams of fresh plums have the following nutritional values:

kilocalories: 49

ten grams of carbs

1.6 g of fiber

Niacin (0.417 mg)

Pantothenic Acid (0.135 mg);

Vitamin A (345 IU);

Vitamin C: 9.5 mg

Vitamin E: 0.26 mg

Vitamin K (6.4 g)

1 milligram of sodium

Potassium: 157 mg

Calcium 6 mg

Plum health benefits

Plums provide numerous health benefits due to their high nutritional content. They are helpful for:

Osteoporosis prevention

Flavonoids like caffeic acid aid in preventing bone tissue degradation and certain disorders like osteoporosis. Due to their polyphenol and potassium levels, plums aid bone development while also enhancing bone density and fighting bone loss.

Diabetes management

Plums have a powerful anti-hyperglycemic impact; thus, eating them regularly helps manage blood sugar levels. People with diabetes can safely incorporate them into their diet since the flavonoid content aids in the effective absorption of sugars and the management of released insulin levels.

Better digestion Because sorbitol and isatin have a laxative effect, they can help cure digestive issues. People who suffer from constipation can alleviate their symptoms by eating plums regularly and moderately.

Improving Cognitive Disabilities

Fresh plum juice has been demonstrated to be beneficial in treating cognitive impairments induced by aging. Flavonoids and phytonutrients may help reduce neurological inflammation while aiding in learning and memory processes. Thus, eating plums daily helps avoid neurological problems primarily associated with aging.

Keeping your heart healthy

Eating plums daily may assist in maintaining blood flow in the arteries. Plums may be beneficial in preventing heart diseases such as stroke, atherosclerosis, or heart attack since they can contribute to optimal blood circulation through the preventive effect they provide.

Immune system fortification

Due to their high vitamin C concentration, plums can help reduce inflammation and infection risk. Furthermore, these fruits can boost the formation of nitric oxide in the body, limiting tumor cell spread. Thus, eating plums daily can help the immune system prevent certain diseases.

Controlling cholesterol levels

Plums, both fresh and dried, aid in the prevention of hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia. According to California Department of Food Science and Nutrition findings, fresh or dried plums can help maintain normal plasma and liver cholesterol levels.

The fiber content may also help to lower LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) and raise HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) levels.

How to Prepare Plums

Due to their low-calorie content, plums are suitable as a snack for a weight loss plan. They’re also a tasty addition to natural juices, with a nice sweet flavor.

Plums, however, can be used in various recipes and ways. Many preserve them as compote or jam since they keep their medicinal powers even when heated.

Plums can also be found in cakes, jellies, and salads with other fruits. As a seasonal fruit, plums are frequently available in dried form, making them suitable for snacks, yogurts, oilseeds, or dark chocolate.

Plums can be successfully integrated into any diet, whichever way you choose to eat them, as long as your intake is moderate. Enjoy the benefits of these fruits with curative powers, whether fresh, dehydrated, or preserved.